Pub and Tavern Signs
What a perfect location!
An Irish Pub located in a Victorian building. The interior is also tastefully
decorated in the Victorian era. The dark stained background of the sign
emphasized the metallic gold lettering, yet complemented the multiple
colors used in painting the building.
Despite its huge
size and weight, the pub sign was a snap to install. Strata included steel
brackets on the back for positioning, after which, six lead anchored screws
were attached through the border for permanence. Screw holes were then
covered and painted to match. Most smaller wall mounted signs do not require
this much hardware. We supply flush mounted brackets, screw a few holes
with lead anchors and hang. How simple is that?
Pub and Tavern Signs
Kelly's Irish Pub
16' X 3' , sandblasted cedar
Call us at
7 Days a week 9 am - 8pm
or email us at exteriorsigns@gmail.com
