Dentist Sign
A new medical minimal composed of 4 offices needed An entry signl. The site is composed of four dental and medical offices. At the time of the mall opening, only two of the offices were leased. The header panel included the name of the mall owner while the sub panel displayed the name of the current lessee. Additional panels for two remaining spaces are to be ordered as needed, Backing boards are attached to the backs of each panel for reinforcement . The boards extend 5" beyond each side that fit into notches cut into the back of the posts. This allows for easy replacement panels for new tenants when the need arises.
This is an inexpensive and highly visible means to display various businesses in any multi store facility. It obviates the necessity of replacing an entire sign panel with individual replacements. And, new panels can be color matched for consistency.

Dentist Sign
Purchase Street Dental
2 Panels, 48"x18", 48"x11", routed HDU
Call us at
7 Days a week 9 am - 8pm
or email us at exteriorsigns@gmail.com
