Outdoor Business Signs
The Gadohi
Usquanigodi Spiritual Retreat Center is located in a densely wooded
area in south Chicago. The secluded spot needed direction signs placed
in various locations to aid participants in finding the main complex.
The large direction sign with the carved “wolf” logo was installed at
the main street entrance, with smaller units placed sequentially along
the road to the central compound area.
Directional signs
for businesses, strategically placed at entryways and parking areas, are
a great way to ease the flow of traffic and enable your customers to find
If there is a large
turnover of tenants in a retail or office environment, removable hanging
panels can be employed under the main unit that are easily changed.

Outdoor Business Signs
Gadohi Usquanigodi
All single-sided HDU, free standing main unit 7' X 4'
Smaller direction sign 3' X 2-1/2'
Address sign and parking sign, 30" X 8", 30" X 12"
Call us at
7 Days a week 9 am - 8pm
or email us at exteriorsigns@gmail.com
