High Density Urethane Signs
Designed by students of this Chicago Charter School, these two signs incorporated the hand painted program logo at the lower right portion of the panel. The free standing units are mounted between two 6X6 cedar posts painted white consistent with color of sign. Cedar boards are permanently attached to the back of the signs to provide additional strength. The cedar boards extend beyond each side to allow ease of installation by using a small amount of glue and decking screws attached to the back of each post.
HDU was chosen for the substrate because of its long-life and resistance to damage caused by extreme weather conditions. As a proprietary outdoor sign material manufacture using a Urethane base, HDU is inherently inert, which means much improved paint life.

High Density Urethane Signs
CYDI School
2 Signs, 6' x 3', routed HDU
Call us at
7 Days a week 9 am - 8pm
or email us at exteriorsigns@gmail.com
