Neighborhood Entry Signs
Neighborhood entry
signs were produced for a small community within a large East Coast city.
The residents of this small enclave wanted passersby to know where they
were. The neighborhood signs also provided a sense of pride and belonging
to those residing in the area.
These neighborhood
entry signs were simple in design, yet elegant when painted in two greens
with metallic gold text and the initial letter “W”. Several of
these units were strategically placed around the perimeter of the community.
These subtle neighborhood signs set an unobtrusive boundary.
Entry signs can be
simple in design, or they can display slogans and other pertinent information
as required. Community signs were constructed of HDU, with two strips
of cedar lumber embedded into the backs for extra rigidity and mounting
points to the single cedar installation posts.
Entry signs, if consistent
in design and small in size, qualify for substantial discounts for multi-unit

Neighborhood Entry Signs
West Park
18" X 24" , 1-1/2 " thick HDU
Call us at
7 Days a week 9 am - 8pm
or email us at exteriorsigns@gmail.com
