Real Estate Development Signs
Three of these signs were ordered and installed at the three entrances to this subdivision. All were mounted to a light colored brick knee wall topped with a lime stone slab. The monuments were custom built by a local mason. There are many inexpensive options available to construct masonry monuments. Decorative cinder blocks can be used to achieve a pleasing result. Precast garden paving can also be used. This material is available in many styles and colors and can be joined using special epoxies instead of mortar.
HDU was used as a substrate for these signs for this subdivision located in the Pacific Northwest. The prevailing wet and humid climate in this area will have no effect on HDU. These signs will be maintenance free and last for decades regardless of weather conditions.
Real Estate Development Signs
Stonegate Trophy Homes
8' x 4' routed HDU
Call us at
7 Days a week 9 am - 8pm
or email us at exteriorsigns@gmail.com
