School Signs
Outdoor schools
signs for Isaac
E. Young Middle School. The faculty commission charged with ordering
the school signage was very specific with the elements and color of the units.
The knight on horseback is emblematic of the school’s football team.
The multi layered and carved knight was produced as a separate element
to impart extra depth.
The body of the school
signs were constructed of red cedar with fully reinforced backs, using
natural cedar posts for the installation.
The freestanding
school signs were erected on the campus leading to the two main entryways.
The use of medieval style text aptly corresponded to the turreted building
housing the school.
Whether you’re
in the market for an elementary school, high school, day care, or library
sign, your signage will be unique. Strata always starts with a blank sheet
of paper in the design process to ensure that you get a design that meets
or exceeds your specific needs.
School Signs
Isaac E. Young Middle School
10' X 2-1/2' Cypress Double-Sided
Call us at
7 Days a week 9 am - 8pm
or email us at exteriorsigns@gmail.com
